We Believe
The liberation of sex workers is the answer to ending state oppression.
We Believe
Sex workers are the most talented people. Ever.
Sex workers possess valuable interpersonal, therapeutic, and critical thinking skills that are used to improve our communities everyday.
Sex workers live at the intersections of all walks of life.
We Believe
In the nuance of our stories.
We Believe
In sex workers who love their job, who never want to stop, those who hate their job, who want to quit, and the ones who change their mind everyday.
We Believe
Sex work can be a a form of healing.
We Believe
In the power of community, story-telling, and skill-sharing.
We Will Fight
To protect sex workers from state and civilian violence, discrimination, and consumer exploitation.
We are abolitionists.
We do not work with the police.
We Believe
Protecting sex workers includes & goes beyond the decriminalization & destigimization of sex work.
We Prioritize
Sexual liberation & liberation from state control.
We Believe
Sex workers are entitled to autonomy, agency, and power as individuals; that all people deserve sexual and economic autonomy.